;******************************************************************* ;Title = In Front of the Boss' Room ;Ported by LadiesMan217 ;******************************************************************* ; Insert size: 0x013A bytes ; Number of channels: 6 (Channels 7, 8 unused) ; Total song length: 0:23 ; Version: AddmusicK 2 ; Samples: Yes (brr) ;******************************************************************* ; SPC Generator Info #SPC { #author "Koji Kondo" #title "In Front of the Boss' Room" #game "Yoshi's Island" #comment "Ported by LadiesMan217" } ;******************************************************************* ;Samples and Info #path "YI" #samples { #default "yi-18.brr" } #instruments { "yi-18.brr" $8f $f1 $00 $07 $a8 ;@30 snare @1 $8b $e0 $00 $03 $00 ;@31 synth violin } ;******************************************************************* ;Channel 1 #0 $f4 $02 / t24 w239 $ef $ff $00 $00 $f1 $02 $1e $02 $f2 $3c $35 $35 $f5 $0c $21 $2b $2b $13 $fe $f3 $f9 @31 v201 y14 $de $17 $1c $18 [q7f o2 c2 c2]6 ;******************************************************************* ;Channel 2 #1 @31 y6 $de $16 $12 $1c [v160 $e8 $b4 $e6 q7f o4 c2 d+2 $e8 $b4 $a0 d2] c+2 * f2 $e8 $c8 $e6 q7f d+2 g2 f+2 a2 ;******************************************************************* ;Channel 3 #2 @30 v240 y20 [q7f o2 c8 q77 c8 q73 c8 q71 c8]12 ;******************************************************************* ;Channel 3 #3 @30 v240 y0 [[ r16 [q79 o2 c8 q75 c8 q72 c8 q70 c8]3 q79 o2 c8 q75 c8 q72 c8 q70 c16 ]]3 ;******************************************************************* ;Channel 4 #4 @31 $de $16 $10 $17 [v160 $e8 $b4 $e6 q7f o3 d+2 g2 $e8 $b4 $a0 f+2] f2 * b2 $e8 $c8 $e6 q7f g2 b2 a+2 > c2 ;******************************************************************* ;Channel 5 #5 @31 y16 $de $16 $16 $14 [v100 $e8 $b4 $8c r32 q7f o4 c2 d+2 $e8 $b4 $64 d2] c+4... * f4... $e8 $c8 $8c r32 q7f d+2 g2 f+2 a4... ;******************************************************************* #amk 2